Site name: TXP Admin
Site URL:
Site slogan: Fifteen years after it's conception, eleven years after a stable release, the CMS we call Textpattern could use a face-lift.
Production status: Live
Time zone (GMT offset in seconds): New York
Automatically adjust Daylight Saving Time setting?: Yes
Daylight Saving Time enabled? Yes
Date format: Friday October 21, 2016
Archive date format: Oct 21, 08:48 AM
Article URL pattern: /section/title
Doctype: HTML5
Logging: None
Logs expire after how many days? 7
Accept comments? No
Image directory: txpimages
User themes directory: txpthemes
File directory path: /home/user/
Maximum file size of uploads (in bytes): 2000000
Temporary directory path: /home/user/
Plugin cache directory path:
SMTP envelope sender address:
Send login details from this email address:
Use ISO-8859-1 encoding in emails (default is UTF-8)? No
Enable XML-RPC server? No
Default administration panel: Write
Admin-side theme: Hive (Flat Neutral)
Default publishing status: Draft
Prevent widowed words in article titles? No
Use excerpts on articles? Yes
Allow form override? Yes
Attach titles to permalinks? Yes
Permalink title URL pattern: title-like-this
Send "Last-Modified" header? Yes
Publish expired articles? No
Ping No
Use Textile: Use Textile
Use DNS lookup in visitor logs? No
Use plugins? Yes
Use admin-side plugins? Yes
Allow PHP in pages? Yes
Allow PHP in articles? Yes
Maximum URL length (in characters): 1000